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Dr. Lindsay St. George will be visiting Delsys and presenting her work on equine biomechanics.


Advancing our Understanding of Equine Muscle Function Through the Integration of Surface Electromyography (sEMG) in Equine Gaine Analysis

Surface electromyography (sEMG) is gaining popularity within the ever-growing field of equine biomechanics. This is mainly due to the recognition that integration of sEMG in equine gait analysis is important for obtaining a comprehensive understanding of equine locomotion. This presentation will provide an overview of the use of sEMG in equine gait analysis, covering both clinical and sports performance applications.



About Dr Lindsay St. Geroge:

Lindsay is a Research Fellow at the University of Central Lancashire, where she completed her PhD in 2017. She is active in equine and human biomechanics research, with a special interest in using surface electromyography to investigate how equine muscles facilitate movement. She is a 2021 Morris Animal Foundation Fellowship recipient and is working to evaluate the impact of equine lameness on movement and muscle activity with colleagues at Utrecht University and Delsys/Altec Inc. Lindsay is involved in several other national and international equine research collaborations, as well as supervising postgraduate student research.


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