Dr. Angus Hunter, Senior Lecturer in Exercise Physiology at the University Stirling, Scotland (UK), visited Delsys on June 3rd 2016. Dr. Hunter and two Ph.D. students from Dr. Hunter’s lab, Lewis Macgregor and Thomas Di Virgillio, presented work on “Motor Unit Behaviour following Skeletal Muscle and Cortico-Spinal Perturbations”. The seminar presented a body of work using dEMG for exploring motor unit behaviour responses to eccentric overload, exercise induced muscle damage, endurance fatigue and immobilisation. Recent work on the effects of repetitive sub concussive impacts on motor unit behaviour in relation to cortico-spinal inhibition was also presented.
Dr. Angus Hunter
Senior Lecturer
Exercise Physiology
University Stirling

Angus Hunter, PhD. is a Senior Lecturer in Exercise Physiology at University Stirling, Scotland, UK. He received his Doctoral degree from University of Cape Town, in the Physiology of Exercise examining various manipulations on neural fatigue. His current research interests include neuromuscular control and adaptation for both high performance sport and clinical patient mobility. Specifically, this has included muscle function assessment of international swimmers, strength and conditioning of international track and field athletes through to sport concussion and muscle atrophy/sarcopenia. Also, commercial based work has led to research on topical medicines for treating soft tissue injury.