Trigno Hand Performance Monitor
First Ever Hybrid Technology For Real-time Monitoring of Muscle Forces, Muscle Fatigue, Grip Stability and Grip Strength
Complete Picture of Hand & Forearm Health
Consistent and easy-to-understand metrics generated from EMG & Dynamometery

Hand Dynamometer
Combine force and EMG measurements for a complete picture of strength performance with the Trigno Duo
JAMARTrigno HPM + Research
Featuring export capabilities and powerful tools
for further analysis of EMG and dynamometer data

Reliable measurement of muscle forces, muscle fatigue, grip stability, and grip strength.
Ready to print results.
Real-world applications
Hand Dysfunction, Hand Stability and Iso-metric strength training.
Hands-on tools
Walk through video instructions to detailed user’s guide for quick setup to printing reports.
Sensor Channels
2x EMG, up to 6x IMU
Reference Type
Dual on-board stabilizing reference
Inter-Electrode Spacing
10 mm
Size (Body)
27 x 46 x 13 mm
Size (Head)
25 x 12 x 7 mm
21 g
Cable Lengths
10 in.
Operating Range
40 m in RF mode
Host Dependent/unlimited datalogger
Wireless Protocol
-2.400-2.483 GHz ISM Band, Proprietary RF Protocol
-BLE V4.2
EMG Bandwidths
10-850 Hz
20-450 Hz
EMG Sampling Rate (Max)
2148 sa/sec
Accelerometer Sampling Rate (Max)
963 sa/sec
Gyroscope Sampling Rate (Max)
741 sa/sec
Orientation Sampling Rate (Max)
361 sa/sec
Sensor Resolution
16 bits
EMG Baseline Noise (typical)
750 nV
EMG Input Range
11 mV / 22 mV rti
<-80 dB
Battery Life
Up to 8 hours
Recharge Time (typical)
2.5 hours
Inter-Sensor Latency
< 1 sampling period
EMG Analog Output Delay
48 ms Fixed
ACC/Gyro Analog Output Delay
96 ms Fixed
On-Board EMG Filter
-Butterworth bandpass (40/80 dB/dec)
-RMS Envelope Calculation (100 ms window)
Real-Time IMU Orientation Filter
Quaternions or RPY (selectable)
Medical Grade Polycarbonate
Seal and Protection
UV-sealed to prevent moisture from entering the sensor & to enhance patient safety
Protected by one or more of the following Patents 6480731, 6238338, 6440067, 9351559, 8971983, EP1070479
175mm x 76 mm x 56 mm
Input Voltage
12.0 VDC
Power Consumption
< 3.0 Watts*
Up to 4 Sensors
Sensor Charge Time
2.5 hours*
*typical operation, actual use cases may vary
Learn more from the official Owner’s Manual.
Recommended Devices
Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e (for EMG Plots and EMG Reports)
Samsung Galaxy S10 (for EMG Logger)Android 6.0 and above
Bluetooth 4.1 and above
Up to 4 sensors per device
Sampling rates
EMG (raw): (up to) 2000 Hz
EMG (RMS): 333.3 Hz (125 ms Window Width, 122 ms Window Overlap)
ACC: 133.3 Hz
Gyro: 133.3 Hz
Orientation (Quaternion or PRY): 66.7 Hz