
GPS Info

The GPS Info script calculates speed and distance, as well as uses the built in webRequest functionality to obtain additional elevation data from input latitude and longitude.  The single input is Longitude, a parameter input is the Latitude series.  Speed is calculated using the Haversine formula, which accounts for the curvature of the earth when determining speed based on position and time.  This calculation takes into account the bad data points that were collected when the GPS did not have accurate position info.  If chosen by the user, a Kalman filter is applied result of this speed calculation.  The Kalman filter is based on a constant velocity model, and has a user specified Process Noise Window value and Process Smoothing Factor value.  Distance is calculated by integrating the speed.  Elevation is calculated using the web request function, and is a measured value for each coordinate point, rather than the value given by the GPS which is based on a mathematical model of the earth.



