
Cyclical Activity Analysis

Data suitable for this report includes channels monitoring activity of a subject during a repetitive activity accompanies by a channel that monitors the beginning and end of cycles of repetition.  For example, a foot switch channel could be used to define cycles during a test involving a subject walking or running.  The cycle need not be limited to a cyclical activity of the subject itself, but could extend to a course that the subject is navigating multiple times (obstacle course, track, etc).  In any of these cases, the analysis would occur on the data collected from the subject, and would be divided into cycles by the data collected from the foot switch or other Series Defining Epochs (SDEs).
The cyclical activity analysis report determines the average performance produced per cycle during a repetitive activity.  It defines a cycle either by user specified cycle-gap lengths or by a user specified SDE.  If an SDE is specified, its activation periods are determined using a threshold calculation.  Activation periods are defined as periods during which the signal value is above a certain level.  The start times of these activation periods are recorded and used as the cycle definitions.  In figure 4 (below) the red line represents the threshold level that determines the activation periods of the SDE.  The second series (green) is the data itself, from which we obtain the cycles, or epochs (numbered 1-12).  If specified, the average length of a cycle (start time n to start time n+1) is calculated, along with the standard deviation, in order to Remove Outlier Epochs.  Outlier epochs are defined as epochs whose length is greater than two standard deviations different than the average epoch length.  As the figure shows, one epoch was thrown away in this case (between epoch 8 and epoch 9) because it was greater than 2 standard deviations longer than the average epoch length.  The user can also choose to throw away epochs at the beginning or at the end.  In this case the specified threshold did not select any data at the beginning or the end that we would like not to include, so we will not choose to do this.

The remaining epochs are resampled to be the same length as the longest epoch (for the purpose of manipulation).  The epochs are ensemble averaged, and the standard deviation computed. 


If specified, the RMS of each input is calculated (including the SDE).  The result of this will be used for the rest of the analysis.  This RMS is calculated with a sliding window method using the user specified RMS Window Length.  The SDE channel is thresholded using the built in function thresholdsplit (for more information on this function see section 7.11).  This function returns an array of start times of activation periods.  If the user specifies to Remove Outlier Epochs, the average length and standard deviation is calculated and any epochs that vary from the average by greater than 2 standard deviations are thrown out.  As this calculation occurs the start times of the epochs are multiplied by the ratio of the data’s sampling rate to the sampling rate of the SDE, to guarantee that the start times align properly with the data channels (If user does not specify to remove outliers, this is done independently).  After the outliers have been thrown away the output Captured Data is calculated.  This is a data series containing ones and zeroes that corresponds to the input data channels.  The purpose of this output is to indicate which data was used and which was thrown out.  Figure 6 shows an example of the Captured Data output. 
Using the built in subset function, the epochs array is created by calling .subset(starts[i], ends[i]-starts[i]), where starts is an array of epoch end times, and ends is an array of corresponding end times (both are in samples).
The epochs are all resampled to be equal lengths, using the longest length as the desired size.  This is accomplished using the .resamp(new_frequency) function, and allows the epochs to be added together for the purpose of averaging (series of unequal lengths are not allowed to be added together). 
The code below demonstrates the algorithm for computing the ensemble average of the epochs. 

var pMean = new Series(maxlength, maxlength/100);
var tmp = 0;
for(var j = 0; j < nEpochs; j++)

tmp = epochs[j];
for(var i = 0; i < tmp.NumPoints; i++)
 pMean[i] = pMean[i] + tmp[i];
pMean = pMean.div(nEpochs);

This snippet iterates through each epoch in the array called epochs (length nEpochs), then iterates through the epoch and the series pMean adding them together pointwise.  After this is complete, pMean gets divided by the number of epochs to create the average.

This average is then used to calculate the standard deviation.  The standard deviation is calculated by the following loop (in a very similar manner as the average is calculated):

var pStdDev = new Series(maxlength, 1000);
for(var j = 0; j < nEpochs; j++)
 tmp = epochs[j];
 for(var i = 0; i < tmp.NumPoints; i++)
  pStdDev[i] = pStdDev[i] + (tmp[i] - pMean[i])*(tmp[i] - pMean[i]);
pStdDev = pStdDev.div(nEpochs).pow(.5);




