Instead of performing a calculation on all of the data in the Data Files, only the desired data will be selected. The absolute value will be calculated for this selected data so that the EMG bursts are only represented by positive deflections.
1. Ensure the pointer cursor is selected.
2. Move the X cursors in the upper plot to surround the middle four bursts of EMG activity. Right click on the data and select Calculation Scripts > Simple Math.
2. The Simple Math dialog box will appear. In the Operation parameter drop-down menu choose Absolute Value. Given this operation type, all other parameters are not used, yet still need to be valid. Although a Series parameter is not used, you still must choose one by click on the (...) symbol in the entry field and choosing any data series from the workspace. In the bottom half of the window (the Outputs section), click in the Output Series Name field and rename it to Absolute Value. Check the Plot Results checkbox, and make sure that as Subplots is selected from the corresponding drop-down.
3. Click the OK button. The result will automatically be added to the Workspace, and also plotted since the Plot Results box was checked. Right click on the data and select Auto Scale.