Script Parameters

The parameter template declares the options which should be available to the user when running the script.  After the user has selected their parameter values, EMGworks transparently creates a Parameter member in the script namespace containing the user's selections.  The example below shows how each type of parameter may be accessed inside the Calculate or Validate functions, assuming a namespace MYS.


// access a series parameter

var sampleCount = MYS.Parameter.ExampleInputA.NumPoints;


// access a numeric parameter

var a = MYS.Parameter.ExampleInputB;


// perform a test on a boolean parameter

if (MYS.Parameter.ExampleInputC)


    // do something if the user checked the ExampleInputC checkbox



// perform a task based on an enumeration selection

// enumeration selections are declared as the index of the selection

if (MYS.Parameter.ExampleInputD == 0)


    // the user selected "Option 1"


else if (MYS.Parameter.ExampleInputD == 1)


    // the user selected "Option 2"
