General options allow configuring tasks to automatically start, to force a number of repetitions of a given task, to continue to the next task immediately without reviewing the data, to force a fixed delay between repetitions or tasks, and to set up triggering individually on each task.
A few common goals can be achieved as follows:
I would like to repeat the same activity n times. Set the number of repetitions to n. To exactly imitate the behavior of repetitions in EMGworks 3, also check “Start acquisition immediately.” The default behavior is similar to the “manual” trigger mode of EMGworks 3. Setting “Begin acquiring data…” will also control the delay between repetitions.
I would like the next task to start running immediately after the current task is stopped. OR I would like to use “auto” triggering. Select “Continue to next task immediately” on this task and select “Start acquisition immediately” on the next task. This imitates the default behavior of sets EMGworks 3.
I would like to use “manual” triggering on a task. This is the default behavior of the program. The “Start” button acts as a manual trigger on each task. You can set “Continue to next task immediately” if you would like the program to wait for the start command right away, without giving you an opportunity to review the collected data.
I would like the software to control the rest period between activities. Set “Begin acquiring data…” to the desired rest period.
I would like to use “external” triggering. Check the appropriate trigger box. If you have more than one A/D card installed in your computer, then be sure to also select the A/D device that will be receiving the trigger signal (See Triggering Notes below for hardware compatibility notes).
General Options |
Description |
Acquire [n] repetitions |
This will collect data for the task [n] times. If “Start acquisition immediately” is checked, all repetitions will be done sequentially. If it is not checked, then you will need to press “Start” to begin each repetition and can abort (via “Next Task” or “Task List”) at any time. |
Start acquisition immediately |
Data will begin collecting without the need to press “Start”. |
Continue to next task immediately |
When data collection is done (the collection duration runs out or “Stop” is pressed), the next task will be loaded immediately. If this is the last task, this option has no effect. |
Begin acquiring data [n] sec after pressing start |
A delay is inserted between a request to start acquisition (either manual or automatic) and the actual start of data acquisition. The delay occurs before polling for a start trigger, if so configured. The delay can be bypassed. |
Wait for a start trigger on [device] |
If checked, data acquisition will not begin until a start trigger is received on the selected device. |
Stop on trigger from [device] |
If checked, data acquisition will stop when a stop trigger is received on this device, or when the recording duration runs out, whichever comes first. |
Triggering Notes
Triggering is not compatible with the NI-USB-6009 A/D hardware.
When using triggers with the Trigno Personal Monitor a start trigger must be used if a stop trigger is to be received.