Acquiring Data

Acquisition Controls



Starts data acquisition (Ctrl-A)


Pause or resume data acquisition (Ctrl-D)


Stop data acquisition (Ctrl-S)

Resume Realtime Plotting

Returns to the leading edge of acquired data so that the most recently acquired samples are on screen

Oscilloscope Mode

Switches between oscilloscope or strip chart plotting

Add User Marker

Adds a marker to indicate a time-based event in the experiment

Task Controls



Starts data acquisition (Ctrl-A)


Stop data acquisition (Ctrl-S)


Task List

Return to the protocol to select the next task to run


Next Task

Proceed to the next step in the protocol

To the right of the task controls, instructions are displayed to indicate any action required of the operator at this step in the protocol.  Also, for timed actions, a counter will also be displayed.


On the subject pane, corresponding instructions are displayed, along with a countdown if needed.  Additionally, there is a button to switch between using two screens and using a single screen at the top right.  On computers with two screens, the subject screen will automatically be placed on the secondary display (this can be set in Windows' Display Settings dialog).