By merging research-grade sensors with the ease-of-use of a laptop or tablet , the Trigno Lite System delivers high-quality EMG + movement data and point-of-care results with minimal setup required. Advanced software tools make for easy acquisition and interpretation of signals acquired from our high-performance Trigno wireless sensors.

Specifically designed for a range of human movement studies, the Trigno product line offers users a full set of physiological and biomechanical monitoring tools to simplify complex research and provide data of the highest quality.

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Specifically designed for a range of human movement studies, the Trigno product line offers users a full set of physiological and biomechanical monitoring tools to simplify complex research and provide data of the highest quality.

View Sensor Lineup

Transmit data from Trigno wireless sensors to a USB receiver.

Our proprietary RF protocol guarantees synchronization between all sensors. The USB receiver will be connected to a PC that can run our Trigno Discover app for plotting and storing data.

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